Freya Rattigan

What do you study at university and what do you enjoy about it?

I study Marketing at Manchester Metropolitan University. I enjoy the wide aspect of topics which comes with marketing and the freedom of choosing what I’m researching.  My favourite modules so far have been Digital Marketing Professional and Consumption Behaviour, as I find how consumers are influenced differently very interesting.

What is your biggest achievement?

My proudest achievement is moving 5 hours away from home to join university in Manchester, a place I hadn’t visited before. I was nervous to move so far away from my friends and family to live in a flat with 7 people I had never met before, but it has been my best decision yet!

What attracted you to TIP?

When reading the job specification, the varied responsibilities are what appealed to me most. For example, I was drawn to the social media and creativity aspect of the role, as well as getting the chance to work as part of a committee, creating events for the HQ, such as BBQs and charity events.

Who/what inspires you?

My close friends and family are who inspires me most. They are positive and caring people who make me a better person and who I like surrounding myself with!

What will you be doing in 5 years' time?

In 5 years’ time I hope to have graduated from MMU with a first class degree and be furthering my career in a marketing role within the fashion industry. I would also love to travel and explore more of the world, in particular going back to Thailand but for a bit longer!