
FleetInspected Icon

Your asset inspection solution – FleetInspected is an app that anyone can use to check the condition of any asset in your fleet

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What is FleetInspected?

FleetInspected provides users with the ability to digitally check (inspect) the condition of an asset, anytime, anywhere. By documenting damages, owners can trace the responsible party and rebill them accordingly.

It is your complete digital solution for asset inspection, designed to enhance your fleet efficiency and provide convenient tools for managing asset conditions. You can easily create detailed reports on asset conditions, document damages with photographic proof, and add comments for clarity. Simplify your damage reporting, track repairs, and receive real-time notifications on asset conditions.

Enhance your operational efficiency with FleetInspected!

Benefits of FleetInspected

Digitize your asset inspections

Identify where and when damage occurred

Cost saving due to identifying who is liable

Faster inspection processes

Information transparency

Reduce paper consumption

Secure documentation

Automatically in FleetRadar


How to use FleetInspected

Step 1. Use FleetRadar to grant access to users

Step 2.User registers and logs in FleetInspected mobile application

Step 3.Search for the asset using: Asset #, License #, Customer equipment reference #

Step 4. Select asset and click on “inspection” to choose the inspection type

Step 5. Follow the structured form to complete inspection

Step 6. Capture potential damage and enrich with images and additional comments

Step 7. Submit the inspection

Step 8. Report will be uploaded to FleetRadar & e-mailed to dedicated pre-set person

FleetInspected - system flow


- Creating asset condition reports anytime, anywhere

- Identifying and inspecting damages with photographic proof, anytime and anywhere

- Images and comments detailing the condition of assets

- Report damage and identify when repairs were made

- Send notifications for asset condition and damages-

- FleetInspected works with Trucks and Trailers

- Ability to inspect non-TIP assets


FleetInspected available in 8 languages

Asset condition change notifications

- Auto-suggest asset lookup

- Barcode/License plate scanner

- Multiple structured inspection templates

- All data in one easy to use place

- Inspection overview dashboard


For Dispatchers

FleetInspected allows dispatchers to optimise their efficiency. All inspection reports can be found in one central place FleetRadar, no need for that messy file of paper reports! If there are damages to their asset they are alerted and able to assign responsibility for the repairs.

For Drivers and Yard Personnel

FleetInspected allows drivers to digitally inspect the condition of the asset once they are finished using it. No more dealing with the cons of a paper and pencil inspection process. FleetInspected also provides peace of mind as FleetInspected provides proof that there are no false accusations of damage.

For Fleet Managers

FleetInspected enables managers to observe the condition of trailers in their fleet. Damaged trailers can be assigned maintenance, and the responsible parties rebilled for the damage. FleetInspected prevents wastage of time and financial resources.

CLICK HERE If you are interested in FleetInspected or want to book a demo

CLICK HERE To download FleetInspected one-pager